Best Myvegas Rewards 2019
- Myvegas Rewards Tips
- Best Myvegas Rewards 2019 Reddit
- Best Myvegas Rewards
- Best Myvegas Rewards 2019 Prizes
Free Vegas Rewards & myVegas Risks. For the latest myVegas updates, scroll down this page. Besides the many ways highlighted on Get Free Stuff in Vegas and on Special buffet Deals, there are new ways to receive free ‘stuff’ in Vegas (as per myVegas, with a ‘ catch’, unfortunately, as we explain further down). MyVEGAS is the official mobile and Facebook game of MGM Resorts and M life Rewards. This free-to-play app offers an ever-expanding collection of slot and table games and gives you amazing rewards from your favorite MGM Resorts destinations.
It seems most avid myVegas players have a go to game. But, is there a “best” game? Really, it all depends on your goals. If you’re a fan of online slots and enjoy playing the bonuses, you may like Frontier Fortune or either Excalibur variant. For my fake money, the best game to play is Lotus Land. Reason being, I’m only playing myVegas to build LPs and get some free rewards. I care little about actually interacting with the games. In fact, it’s rare for me to sit down at a slot while in Vegas; they simply can’t hold my attention. This goes double for the online versions.
What’s great about Lotus Land is that it requires no player participation beyond the initial spin. The slots at Wizard Slots does offer free spin bonuses, but those are registered and run automatically, without having to interact with it. Most other myVegas slots require player decisions or acknowledgement (having to press a button once the bonus is complete). You can simply let Lotus Land run in the background while you check emails or peruse the moronic things your “friends” type on Facebook, like me. The only auxiliary participation you may encounter is if myVegas is running a promotion in which you gather items during your spins. However, I’ve been able to go through hundreds of spins without needing to click the old mouse. It’s a great game for gaining LPs or building your strip. I mentioned this little gem in my last podcast episode. Some have used the advice with success:
@VegasFanboy Thanks for suggesting Lotus Land on myVegas. Definitely the best of their slots to just run in the background.
— You Can Bet on That (@YouCanBetonThat) April 22, 2015
@VegasFanboy@YouCanBetonThat I wholeheartedly agree. My Aria building progress has been great since I tried it.
— BSB (@ismebsb) April 22, 2015
Do you have a favorite myVegas slot or strategy? If so, let me know. For more myVegas tips, you can check out episode #29 of the VFB podcast.
Do you have questions on how to successfully play and use the myVEGAS app or Facebook game? You aren’t alone! Come and read our myVEGAS FAQ which has the answers to some of the most common questions asked by others.
What is myVEGAS?
Click here to read our complete introduction guide to the myVEGAS game. It includes information on what myVEGAS is, common terms used in the game, and how to get started.

Is myVEGAS Free?
Yes, the myVEGAS app is 100% free to play. You can redeem real life rewards in Las Vegas and other locations without ever paying a cent into the app.
There is the option to spend real life money in the app to earn points and rewards faster, but this is not mandatory at all.
How Long Does it Take to Earn a Reward on myVEGAS?
This varies greatly depending on what reward you are looking to earn. The most basic rewards are only 1,000 loyalty points for 25% discounts at the Luxor or the Excalibur.
Many players report earning their first 1,000 loyalty points within the first day of playing.
Myvegas Rewards Tips
The most premium rewards is 200,000 for a free night stay at the Aria hotel. From personal experience, this takes about 75 days or less of frequent playing time to earn. Your experience will vary based on promotions going on and frequency of play.
What do I need to redeem a reward from the myVEGAS app?
One source of myVEGAS FAQ confusion is the process for getting your Vegas rewards. In order to redeem a reward from myVEGAS, you must have a free MLife account. MLife is the rewards program for all MGM Resorts at Las Vegas. With an MLife account, you’ll be able to:
- Track your dollars spent at MLife properties
- Earn complimentary stays and additional discounts
- Quickly book hotel, show, and restaurant reservations
All Las Vegas visitors should have an MLife account because it is free and gives you extra perks.
Click here to register with MLife now so that you don’t have to when it’s time to redeem a reward from myVEGAS.
How many rewards can I redeem at once?
The myVEGAS app has a limit of 3 premium awards redeemed at one time. If you are planning a trip to Las Vegas, it’s best to earn up a large stack of loyalty points and then decide what the best choices for redemption are closer to your departure date.
Users who spend real money in the app are rewards by being able to redeem more than 3 rewards at a time.
myVEGAS rewards do tend to go in and out of stock so it’s best to be flexible when buying rewards.
Should I Redeem Rewards Before or During My Stay in Vegas?
Best Myvegas Rewards 2019 Reddit
It is highly recommended that you redeem rewards in the myVEGAS app BEFORE you arrive in Las Vegas. The app uses your location when it is open. Residents of Vegas and people already in the city do not see the same selection of rewards as those outside.
Best Myvegas Rewards
In order to have full access to rewards and prizes, you should redeem before you arrive in Las Vegas.
Do you have any other myVEGAS FAQ questions to ask? Are you having trouble earning gold coins or redeeming awards inside of the app?
Best Myvegas Rewards 2019 Prizes
Comment below and we will add it into our list.